Greater 901 Initiative PAC
The Greater 901 Initiative is a grassroots, non-partisan, community-driven organization dedicated to improving the Greater 901 area by reducing violent crime, growing the local economy, and lobbying to receive our fair share of state and federal resources.
Our Goals:
The Greater 901 Initiative exists to hold political and judicial leaders accountable, locally and statewide.
Your voice deserves to be heard, and for elected leaders to be responsive to the majority of Memphis, not the vocal, politically active “outrage” fringe.
Violent crime touches every facet of life in the Greater Memphis area. The Greater 901 Initiative will partner with respectable organizations to reduce crime by lobbying for better public safety measures, including more police funding, greater social services, and changes to state laws related to sentencing and responsible gun control.
Judicial nominees and law enforcement agencies need to know its citizens are watching and expect officers of the court to protect the public from career and violent criminals by detaining and trying offenders judicially.
Economic Development must be a key priority for the next Memphis Mayor. It’s a time to consider economic development as a “Basic Service” and adopt policies like Nashville (under Mayor Bredesen), Chattanooga (under Mayor Corker), and Knoxville (under Mayor Haslam). Memphis is 20 years behind our sister cities.
Memphis deserves its fair share of state and local resources. As the second largest economy in the State, as Memphis goes, the State goes. There is not a strong and prosperous Tennessee without a strong West Tennessee led by Memphis.
We have fallen behind our former peer cities. We are growing slower, creating fewer jobs, and have less prosperity than all the cities we use to believe were our peers.
Many believe government leadership and the very structure of our governments create undue burdens on creating jobs and is causing us to fall further behind.
The midsouth has the best people in the world and is a wonderful place to live and raise a family – to realize our true potential we must be open to doing things differently.

Your donation will help us complete this website and create scorecards to keep our elected officials accountable.
©2023 Paid for by The Greater 901 Initiative
1661 Aaron Brenner Drive, Suite 300, Memphis, TN 38120 | contactus@greater901.com